“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the Ends of the Earth.” Acts 1:8
I believe we have an unprecedented opportunity to initiate gospel conversations like no other time in our lifetimes because so much is at a standstill!
• We can’t depend on our ministries where we gather, and must be creative in how we continue to make disciples.
• People are much more available by phone, text, email, video chat, etc.
• There are tons of other opportunities to serve those who don’t know Jesus. Find ways like run errands for, take a meal to, mail a card to, etc.
• Remember the goal is to get to gospel conversations and not JUST be friendly and caring.
Let’s go quickly into the figurative and technological streets, alleys, lanes, and hedges of Luke 14 to persuade those who have yet to taste the Kingdom to come!
Sr. Adults/Missions Pastor
Acts 1:8 Missions Ministry
FBC Greenwood is an Acts 1:8 Church, meaning we believe it is our responsibility, both together and individually to seek to advance His Kingdom locally and globally.
Acts 1:8 Mission Statement
“Sharing Jesus intentionally and strategically in our community, our region, America, and the World – as we pray, equip, challenge, send, and partner.”
Acts 1:8 Strategy
Pray: We recognize that His work is only accomplished through the Spirit’s leading and empowerment.
Equip: It is through personal and corporate worship, discipleship, education, and training that we become like Christ and understand His purpose in each of our lives, and the life of our church
Challenge: Avenues will be provided to encourage each member to sacrificially give of themselves and their resources in order to reach out in their circles of influence and around the world
Send: It is our desire that God calls people out of FBC Greenwood to serve Him around the world
Partner: We seek to establish long-term strategic partnerships through our SBC Missions agencies to help make disciples and plant churches in all Acts 1:8 fields.
Where we are serving now
our sbc affiliation
As part of our Southern Baptist Convention, we participate in supporting Missions agencies and organizations in several ways:
Concord Baptist Association: As a member of the local Concord Baptist Association of Churches, we support local work with 1.25% of our annual budget giving. Website: concordbaptistassn.org
Cooperative Program Giving: Since 1845, SBC churches have partnered together to fulfill the Great Commission together by supporting SBC missions agencies. FBC Greenwood gives 8.5% annually of our general budget giving to the Cooperative program. Website: sbc.net
Year Round Acts 1:8 Offering: Rather than promote the seasonal SBC offerings, we give the opportunity to give year-round direct support to these SBC entities who we partner with for our missions efforts:
​55% - International Mission Board : IMB.org
15% - North American Mission Board : NAMB.net
15% - Arkansas Baptist State Convention : ABSC.org
10% - Arkansas Baptist Children's Home : abchomes.org
5% - Global Hunger Relief : globalhungerrelief.com
General Budget Giving: Thank you for your tithes and offerings given to the general budget! This provides ministry funds for FBC Greenwood's Acts 1:8 strategic missions partnerships.